NOC from CGWA for Ground Water Extraction

At Water Field Technologies Pvt. Ltd., we provide Services for Obtaining NOC from CGWA for Ground Water Extraction with all detailed reports and guidance for Compliance including Renewal of issued NOC, all under one roof.


Process of Obtaining CGWA NOC:

The process for obtaining an NOC from CGWA typically involves the following steps:

  • Application Submission: The applicant must complete the required application form and provide accurate information about the purpose, location, and quantum of the proposed groundwater extraction for the project.
  • Document Submission: Supporting documents, such as industry details, geological reports, hydrogeological studies, and environmental impact assessments, as applicable, may need to be submitted along with the application.
  • Fee Payment: The prescribed fees must be paid as per the CGWA regulations. The fee structure varies based on the quantity of groundwater extraction proposed and permissible as per different criteria.
  • Site Inspection: CGWA authorities may conduct a site inspection to verify the details provided in the application.
  • NOC Issuance: Upon successful evaluation of the application and compliance as per CGWA guidelines, the NOC for groundwater extraction is granted, specifying the permitted quantity and conditions for extraction.

Importance of Obtaining CGWA NOC:

Obtaining the NOC from CGWA offers several key benefits:

  • Legal Compliance: Adhering to the regulatory framework ensures that groundwater extraction activities are in line with the law, preventing legal issues and penalties.
  • Sustainability: The NOC process helps monitor and regulate groundwater usage, ensuring extraction remains within sustainable limits and preserving aquifer health.
  • Resource Protection: By obtaining the NOC, individuals and organizations contribute to the protection and preservation of groundwater resources, adopting and promoting responsible water management practices.
  • Data Collection: The NOC process requires the submission of relevant data, enabling authorities to gather valuable information about groundwater availability, usage patterns, and aquifer characteristics, facilitating informed decision-making.